7 August 2024

Supporting Top Students in Our Community: Mandrekas S.A. Launches Excellence Scholarship Program

As announced earlier this year, Mandreka Inc. is pleased to offer financial support through our newly established Excellence Scholarship Program. This initiative aims to assist exceptional students from Corinthian schools who have demonstrated outstanding performance in the national university entrance exams.

In addition to academic excellence, financial need was a significant criterion for selection. Our goal is to ensure that these talented individuals can pursue their studies without financial barriers.

Following a thorough evaluation of 17 applications based on these criteria and our company’s financial capabilities, we have selected 5 outstanding candidates. Their names will be revealed upon acceptance of the scholarship.

The scholarship recipients will be studying in the fields of Engineering, Medicine, Pharmacy, Social Sciences, and Law.

We look forward to expanding our support in the future and continuing to foster excellence and educational advancement within our community.

E. Mandrekas

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